Special Issue of SUP: Cross-Institutional Professional Development
We invite you to submit a manuscript for the upcoming special issue on the theme of “Cross-Institutional Professional Development: Impacting Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing, and Professional Growth among Educators.”
Submit Your Manuscript to PDS Partners
The editors of PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice invite you to submit your work for an upcoming issue of the journal. PDS Partners is a double-anonymized, peer-reviewed journal that shares innovative practices, highlights action research, and promotes...
Publication Update
We encourage you to take advantage of this NAPDS opportunity.
Check Out the Latest Issue of PDS Partners!
The editors of PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice invite you to read Issue 18.1 and consider submitting your own work for a future issue.
Invitation to Submit to NAPDS Publications
Consider turning your terrific #NAPDS2023 presentation into a referred journal article or blog post.
Review for School-University Partnerships
The editors of School-University Partnerships are seeking additional reviewers for the journal. School- and university-based partners are encouraged to review, including doctoral students.
Seeking P-12 Educators for the NAPDS Conference and Programs Committee and Co-Chair
NAPDS is seeking a P-12 educator to serve as Co-Chair and additional P-12 educators to serve as committee members.
We want your feedback on desired member benefits!
As our organization develops and grows, we want your input about your desired member benefits.
Emerald Press partners with NAPDS
Emerald Publishing partners with the National Association for Professional Development Schools!
2023 SASUP Conference Call for Proposals
The 2023 SASUP Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal for the 7th Annual SASUP Conference!