NASUP offers six annual awards to NASUP members and their institutions which require applications and/or nominations. To learn how to submit applications/nominations for 2025 awards, visit the award website pages linked below.

Student Action Research Award  
Outstanding Dissertation Award  
Emerging SUP Leader Award 
Exemplary PK 20 Boundary Spanner Award  
Exemplary Mentor Teacher Award
Exemplary PDS Award 

We recognize the distinct leadership and impact that people in these roles make to contribute to the success of school-university partnerships. The awards committee is honored to be able to acknowledge and celebrate those that demonstrate excellence in these important roles.

Nominations for these awards are NOW open! The deadline to submit a nomination is has been extended to Monday, January 13, 2025.

Please take this time to consider potential nominations.  Below is a brief description of each award.

Outstanding Dissertation Award  
The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding recent doctoral candidates in an education field whose research contributes significantly to an understanding of some aspect of School-University Partnerships. The award is intended to encourage participation of individuals with new doctorates in the activities of the association by providing a forum for presentation of their research.

Emerging SUP Leader Award 
This award is for student members of NASUP who have shown promising leadership in the SUP movement. This award is available to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Exemplary Mentor Teacher Award
The NASUP award for exemplary PK12 mentor teacher recognizes school-based clinical educators who demonstrate excellence in supporting, coaching, and guiding preservice and/or inservice teachers in their professional growth. Exemplary mentor teachers engage in ongoing, reflective practices, high quality coaching practices, and modeling of effective instructional practices.

Exemplary PK 20 Boundary Spanner Award  
This NASUP award recognizes an individual who is exemplary in meeting Essential 8 where the individual moves beyond the responsibilities of one’s job to impact a third space. Boundary spanners are situated in a “third space” between university and PK12 settings and are not bound solely by the traditions or responsibilities of any one institution. An exemplary PK20 boundary spanner innovates the systems or practices to enhance the learning of all of those involved in the partnership.

Exemplary PDS Award 
The NASUP Award for Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement recognizes distinctive PDS partnerships for their ongoing contributions to the mission and vision of NASUP.  NASUP acknowledges that exemplary achievement takes place in large, multi-institutional partnerships as well as in single-site arrangements between P-12 and higher education; in well-funded and in budget-challenged partnerships; in long-standing collaborations as well as in recently established PDS’s.  We seek to recognize PDS excellence wherever it manifests itself.