NAPDS Awards Nominations are now open! The deadline to submit nominations has been extended to Saturday, January 1, 2022. NAPDS offers three annual awards to NAPDS members and their institutions which require nominations. To learn more about each award and how to submit nominations, visit the award website pages linked below.
Below is a brief description of the purpose of each award. Please take this time to consider potential nominations for these prestigious awards.
Exemplary PDS Award Purpose
The NAPDS Award for Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement recognizes distinctive PDS partnerships for their ongoing contributions to the mission and vision of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. NAPDS acknowledges that exemplary achievement takes place in large, multi-institutional partnerships as well as in single-site arrangements between P-12 and higher education; in well-funded and in budget-challenged partnerships; in long-standing collaborations as well as in recently established PDS’s. We seek to recognize PDS excellence wherever it manifests itself.
Outstanding Dissertation Award Purpose
The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding recent doctoral candidates in an education field (or closely related field, e.g., school psychology) whose research contributes significantly to an understanding of some aspect of Professional Development Schools. The award is intended to encourage participation of individuals with new doctorates in the activities of the association by providing a forum for presentation of their research that uses or reflects the new released NAPDS 9 essentials (2nd ed.) of what it means to be a professional development school.
Emerging PDS Leader Purpose
Information Age Publishing (IAP) sponsors an award for a student member of NAPDS who has shown promising leadership in the PDS movement. Up to three awards may be presented, with the understanding that both undergraduate and graduate students are represented. Candidates will be considered in light of their contributions in one or more areas, including:
- Service on a committee or publication of NAPDS prior to the Annual Conference
- Volunteer service at the Annual Conference
- Presenting at the Annual Conference
- Publication in School-University Partnerships or PDS Partners
- Service to home institution’s PDS program