The Jason Kinsey Award Winner is selected by the Executive Leadership each year for outstanding service to the Association. Check out this VIDEO for more information about the award.
2025 Award Winner Marcy Keifer Kennedy, Ohio University

“This honoree has been a long-standing member of NASUP and has served in leadership capacities within the organization. From 2014 – 2017, she served as president elect, president, and past president. During this time, the organization was going through a major transition, and she was instrumental in supporting and leading the organization by establishing new procedures and supporting the leadership team to cast a vision for future efforts. This person was part of a core group of individuals that went above and beyond to keep the organization running smoothly and doing impactful work.
In her local context, she directs and oversees more than 15 PDS partnerships and helps to direct and advise about outreach activities to districts and schools in their partnership network. In her role, she helps to shape and guide where resources are spent, and helps to establish, refine, and evaluate the goals and progress of partnerships in their network. Her ability to navigate partnership spaces, both in their development and sustainment, is extraordinary and inspiring.
Additionally, while her role does not include responsibilities to publish peer-
reviewed research she has been a co-author on data-based publications in journals including Action in Teacher Education, the Peabody Journal of Education, and the NASUP peer-reviewed journals School-University Partnerships and PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. She has
also co-edited a special issue of the PDS Partners and has also co-written multiple book chapters on SUPs and PDSs.” ~from the 2025 Awards Ceremony
Award Information
From its earliest days, Jason Kinsey served NAPDS tirelessly as the conference coordinator with the University of South Carolina’s conference planning unit. He handled association and annual conference logistics and arrangements gracefully and efficiently, always available by phone or email to address concerns from members and officers. Upon his untimely death in 2015, the NAPDS leadership team established an award in his honor for individuals who have made important contributions, over time, to the organization.
The criteria for the Jason Kinsey Award are intentionally vague, as the organization recognizes that contributions may take many forms. The essential qualification is that the individual to be honored must have served to advance the mission and goals of NAPDS (now NASUP) in a significant and enduring way. Honorees do not have to be members of NASUP.
A Jason Kinsey Award plaque will be awarded at the Annual NASUP Conference. The Awards Committee will make arrangements for the honoree to be in attendance without revealing the award to the honoree in advance, if possible. Following the conference, the Awards Committee will prepare a press release for dissemination by the honoree, as desired.
Past Award Winners
Marcy Keifer Kennedy
Michael Cosenza
Doug Rogers
Kristien Zenkov
Bernard Badiali
Karen Hassell
Billy Dixon
JoAnne Ferrara
Renee Middleton
Jason Kinsey