#GivingTuesday is November 30th

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement. Each year on #GivingTuesday, and throughout the year on #GivingEveryTuesday, millions of people contribute, collaborate, and volunteer for organizations and initiatives they value.

GivingTuesday is an ideal opportunity to contribute your time and talent to NAPDS. Have you been waiting for the right moment to join an NAPDS committee? Renew your NAPDS membership? Make plans to participate in the Chicago conference? Make November 30th the day to make it happen!

GivingTuesday is also a perfect chance to make a financial contribution to NAPDS. This year NAPDS offers the opportunity to contribute to two new scholarship funds and an unrestricted general purpose fund. Be part of this inaugural launch of these new scholarships or support the continued work of NAPDS through the general purpose fund. The first $5,000 of donations NAPDS receives will be matched!


The NAPDS Doctoral Research Scholarship

This fund will support scholarships to encourage educational research and will be awarded annually to an applicant(s) pursuing a PhD or EdD in an education-related field. The awardee’s dissertation research will be focused on an aspect of school-university partnerships with high potential for making a meaningful contribution to the current literature.

The NAPDS Conference Attendance Scholarship

Recognizing that conference attendance can be cost prohibitive, this fund will provide scholarships to NAPDS members who need assistance to pay the costs of attending the annual conference.

General Purpose

This fund will allow NAPDS to use donations to address the most pressing needs of the association.  These unrestricted donations will allow NAPDS to expand publications, develop and offer professional development webinars, sponsor additional events, and expand member benefits.

If you prefer to donate stock or other equities, please email treasurer@nasup.org.

The National Association for Professional Development Schools is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in accordance with the standards and regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service.