Editors will onboard in September, 2025, alongside the current editing team. Beginning in January 2026, they will serve a three-year term, assuming full responsibility for journals published in 2026 – 2028. We are recommending that applications be made by a team of individuals who are interested in serving as co-editors.
The editors of the journal play a consequential role in NASUP and in the field of school-university partnerships. The association seeks highly qualified and committed individuals to serve in these important roles.
PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that shares innovative practices, highlights action research, and promotes collaborative inquiry related to school-university partnerships and the Professional Development School (PDS) model. The journal has two regular issues each year as well as one guest-edited, themed issue each year.
Professional Development School partnerships and school-university partnerships are critical components of educator preparation as well as the professional development of current educators. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice provides a publication outlet for individuals who are involved in work in Professional Development Schools or school-university partnerships. The journal publishes articles related to school-university partnerships, Professional Development Schools, and other efforts related to teacher education and/or professional development that involve collaborations between PK-12 schools and universities. Published articles provide details about PDS initiatives and experiences that may include practice-focused articles, articles that include both research and practice, or other descriptions of school-university partnership work.
Responsibilities of the editors include:
- Collaborating with Emerald Publishing from the submission process to the final publication
- Coordinating all aspects of manuscript solicitation
- Selecting and supervising editorial assistants
- Selecting and overseeing reviewers
- Managing the editorial process throughout
- Reading all submitted manuscripts at two stages
- upon submission to determine if the article should be sent out for review
- after the review and revision process in order to make the final decision about whether or not to publish each article
- Supporting novice researchers and writers
- Selecting the contents for each issue
- Writing an introduction/editorial overview for each regular issue
Requirements for editors:
- Membership in NASUP
- Participation in NASUP conferences and events
- Service on the NASUP Publication Committee
Selection criteria for editors will include:
- Experience working with school-university partnerships as a practitioner and/or as a scholar
- Strong record of scholarship
- Experience as an editor
Application and Nomination Procedures:
- Individuals interested in applying to serve as an editor of PDS Partners should send a letter of interest to JoAnne Ferrara (joanne.ferrara@mville.edu) and Jennifer Morrison (jdmorrison@shsu.edu) by April 30, 2025. We are seeking co-editors and only one letter of interest per team needs to be submitted. The editorial team members do not need to be from the same institution.
- Individuals interested in nominating an individual or team to serve as editor of PDS Partners should first gain confirmation from those individuals that they would be interested in serving and then send an email of nomination to JoAnne Ferrara (joanne.ferrara@mville.edi) and Jennifer Morrison (jdmorrison@shsu.edu) by April 30, 2025.
- All Application materials (detailed below) should be sent via email to JoAnne Ferrara (joanne.ferrara@mville.edi) and Jennifer Morrison (jdmorrison@shsu.edu) by May 30,2025.
Application Materials:
Each member of a team can send an individual packet of application materials OR they may have one letter with each member’s information delineated.
- A detailed letter of interest including:
- the applicant’s reasons for applying for a position as editor or the nominator’s reasons for making the nomination
- relevant experience
- support they can expect to receive from their employing institution (e.g., a reduced workload, graduate student, or clerical support)
- their vision for the future of the journal
- A current CV
Selection and Transition Process:
- The search committee will review applications during June, 2025.
- Successful applicants will be notified in July.
- The new editors will begin working with current editors in September of 2025 for a transition period. Beginning in January 2026 the new editors will assume sole responsibility for the journal’s publication.