The National Association for School-University Partnerships is pleased to announce the release of two bibliographies focused on Professional Development Schools and similar school-university partnerships.
The bibliographies, available exclusively to NASUP members via the Members Login, feature APA-formatted citations for 310 articles published in NASUP’s journals: School-University Partnerships and PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice from the journals’ inception through 2023.
According to NASUP President Dr. Nicole Wall, the bibliographies offer a significant new member benefit. “Bibliographies connect the past to the present, helping NASUP members build on years of shared knowledge and experience. They capture valuable lessons from past work, both within and beyond our organization, and spark fresh ideas to make school-university partnerships even stronger,” said Wall.
The bibliography project was spearheaded by Dr. Logan Rutten, Assistant Professor at the University of North Dakota and Co-Chair of NASUP’s inaugural Research Committee. Rutten reflected on the project’s rationale, “If we are to spur innovation through school-university partnerships, we must dedicate a portion of our time to learning from the past. Through this bibliography project, our research team signals deep appreciation for the scholarship, particularly surrounding Professional Development Schools, that has brought our field to this point. By exploring the wealth of insight contained within these articles, we become well-positioned to reflect, inquire, and innovate within school-university partnerships.”
Additional project contributors included Dr. Eva Garin, Professor at Bowie State University and Past President of NASUP; Dr. Kimberly Fleming of Core Education, LLC; Rabeya Khatun, a PhD student at the University of North Dakota; and Dr. Lorri Sapp, NASUP’s Association Consultant.
The new bibliographies are now available to NASUP members in the Members Login portal on the NASUP website. NASUP members are encouraged to search the bibliographies for relevant literature to reference throughout their scholarly writings and partnership work.