2022 Themed Issue: Teaching in Times of Uncertainty

Volume 15, Number 1

Download the entire issue here or download the files separate files below.

Introduction to the SUP Themed Issue: Teaching in times of uncertainty
Sara R. Helfrich, Sara L. Hartman, and Marcy Keifer Kennedy

Pathways to partnership: How a differentiated approach sustained PDS efforts during times of uncertainty
Elizabeth Levine Brown, Lois Groth, Audra Parker, Charlene O’Brien, Eric Laurits, Christopher Latham, Renee Berman, Francoise Casablanca, and Josh Douds

Dynamic changes: Analyzing the teacher candidate and mentor teacher relationship during continuous learning and COVID-19
Lucas Shivers, Cynthia Emery, and Suzanne Porath

Coaching cubed: Mentor teachers’ perspectives on the exponential nature of supporting teacher candidates during uncertain times
Mark Helmsing, Audra Parker, Holly Glaser, Kristien Zenkov, and Andrew Porter

Virtually connected: Utilizing case studies to support mentor teachers in times of uncertainty
John Henning, Christine Grabowski, and James Falco

Mentoring through uncertain times
Crystal Marshall-Krauss, Eva Garin, and Dawn Nowlin

Adapting partnership work in times of uncertainty: A case from a rural school-university partnership during the COVID-19 pandemic
David Virtue, Mary Jane McIlwain, Chad M. Cunningham, Jamie Harrison, Kathleen Sacco, Robbie Thomas, and Krystal Thomas

Virtual teaching and learning: Navigating uncharted waters through school-university partnerships
Robin Johnson, Rochelle Cortino, Kimberly Moore, and Carmen Tejeda-Delgado

The development of scenario-based simulation modules for online field-based experiences in a school-university partnership
Robin Johnson, David Squires, and Carmen Tejeda-Delgado

Becoming: The story of first year teachers’ student teaching in times of uncertainty and its impact on their future teaching
Nisreen Daoud, Bradley Conrad, and Hoyun Cho

School-University Partnerships is committed to advocating for collaborative ventures across the P-12 and college/university communities as vehicles for the discovery and sharing of knowledge that shapes educator leadership and best practice. For more information about SUP and its online, themed issues, please visit our website.