Our Mission
The National Association for School-University Partnerships advances the education profession by providing leadership, advocacy, and support to create and sustain school-university partnerships such as Professional Development Schools to function as learning communities to improve student learning, prepare educators through clinical practice, engage in reciprocal professional learning, and conduct shared inquiry.
2024 Award Winners

News & Upcoming Events
PDS Partners: Publish With Us
The co-editors of PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice are excited to learn more about your in-depth research and valuable school-university partnerships. We invite you to submit your work for an upcoming issue. The co-editors of PDS Partners are available to...
Collaborative Conversations – Preparing for NOLA
At the Face-to-Face Conference In New Orleans, Collaborative Conversations will take place on Friday, March 7, 9:45-11:00.
Press Release: NASUP Releases Two Comprehensive Bibliographies as New Member Benefit
NASUP is pleased to announce the release of two bibliographies focused on Professional Development Schools and similar school-university partnerships.
NASUP Statement Regarding Recent Events in New Orleans
We are deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place in New Orleans on New Year’s Day, and our heartfelt condolences go out to everyone affected.
The University of Connecticut announces opening for associate/full professor in Department of C&I
Associate/Full Professor INTRODUCTION The Neag School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction invites applications for a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track faculty position in English Education at the rank of Associate/Full Professor to begin August...
Do you have photos from the early years (2005-2015) of NAPDS??
As NASUP gets ready to celebrate its 20th anniversary in New Orleans, we are looking for photos of members from our first decade to include in the program!!